Dale Farm X Ted & Stitch
How brand collaborations can result in sales and new followers
Who are Dale Farm?
What started as a milk company back in 1969 has grown to become an iconic dairy brand, supplying a wide range of products to 45 countries worldwide. One thing that hasn’t changed is our ability to make people happy – from the simple pleasure of milky tea to the joy and delight of a delicious ice-cream dessert.
What was the struggle?
Dale Farm are all about supporting their local community. One of their brand content pillars is ‘good tactics’ which is all around newsjacking material, international days, collaborations and competitions. Follower growth is something the team at Dale Farm want to see increase month on month, and one way of doing this is through successful collaborations.
With is being summer, and the popularity of the cool crew ice lollies, we decided to team up with Ted & Stitch to create iconic cool crew jumpers inspired by Polly Pineapple. Pear Picking Porky, Choc Pop, Mr Frostie and the Joker.
The results of Digital 24’s Influencer & Paid Advertising Strategy
Brand Collaborations
To announce the collaboration, Digital 24 went live with a competition to give away five jumpers to five lucky followers. Using the collaboration feature on Instagram, both brands were able to share the same post meaning followers from both Dale Farm and Ted & Stitch could see and enter the post. We also shared the same competition over on Facebook to gain even more momentum.
Within 48 hours, our collaboration ended up in the Irish News with over thousands of entries. We also teamed up with @ohsofemme to create Instagram Reels of the jumpers. This allowed us to push sales of the jumpers across Dale Farm’s social media platforms.
Influencer Marketing
To raise even more awareness, Dale Farm delivered gifted hampers to influencers across Northern Ireland with their very own Ted & Stitch Cool Crew jumper. Some of the influencers included names like Caroline O’Neill, Danielle Donohoe and Ibe Sesay.
Brand collaboration results
New followers
Impressions on launch
Jumpers sold
For a prize worth £150, the competition ended with over 3,600 likes, 3,420 comments and over 35,000 impressions on Instagram. The collaboration over on Facebook gained over 35,000 impressions and 523 comments on Facebook.
When announcing the collaboration on Reels, the Instagram reel had over 37,000 plays at the time. As a result of the collaboration, Ted & Stitch were able to sell 280 jumpers on their website.