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Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective and powerful marketing channels. Creating a strong email marketing strategy helps you to reach out to and connect with your target audience in a personalised way. When done right, email marketing can play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy with lead generation, brand awareness and building relationships with customers. 

At Digital 24, we use proven email marketing strategies and techniques to transform your open rates, CTR’s and return on investment. Its high ROI makes it crucial to most businesses’ overall inbound strategy. It is a vital tool in any company’s customer retention strategy, for driving repeat business and building brand loyalty.

Strategy & planning

An email marketing strategy requires significant planning and thought. Digital 24 will spend time planning your email marketing strategy so that you can meet your goals more effectively. Email marketing can take your company’s content strategy to the next level. By adding email marketing to the list, you can connect with your audience directly through their inbox. This generates not only a higher conversion rate but a cheaper conversion rate too. Here at Digital 24, we will take the time to understand your business, your goals and most importantly your audience. From this, we can then build your email marketing strategy and design email marketing campaigns and flows that deliver results.

Our strategy will involve planning your entire email marketing journey from start to finish. We map out where potential customers are on their journey and how best to tailor and target them with key messages. From email campaign creation to welcome email series, cart abandonment, cross selling, post-purchase and more, we can help you to gain new leads and re-engage past customers.

Email campaigns ("mail shots")

At Digital 24, we don’t do basic and we don’t do generic. We create email campaigns that make users want to open them and deliver high response rates to increase your ROI. We take the time to get to know your business and your products or services so we can create campaigns that will resonate with your customers and prospective customers.Regular email campaigns and promotional style emails will be planned in advance to drive a high ROI and effectively communicate what is happening in your business. They include things like company updates, sales and any other one-off messages you want to send to users. With tailor made messaging, bespoke call to actions and incentives we can maximise your email marketing opportunities.

Automated email flows

Email marketing is full of automated potential just waiting to be used. Automated email flows are those which are triggered based on user behaviour such as making a purchase, abandoning a cart and so much more. We can make it work for you with the right strategy and set up. We understand the value in unique touchpoints that can bring your audience back time and time again by creating valuable and personal interactions via email flows. Digital 24 will work to build intelligent email flows to consistently engage with your audience based on their behaviours and deliver tangible results.

Reporting & analysis

Like everything else we do, we are performance driven and reporting is vital when it comes to email marketing. Each month we will provide detailed reports outlining the performance of both the campaigns and flows. From this we can optimise our activity and analyse how the activity is contributing to your overall success.

Email marketing will also aid your other marketing channels and is a great way to amplify success. Regardless of the marketing campaign you are running, you can almost always use email to reinforce it. When it comes to email marketing, we can help you turn those email addresses into revenue and valuable customers for your business. Contact the team at Digital 24 by clicking the button below to find out more.