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Running TikTok carousel ads in 2024

Since its lockdown explosion, TikTok has cemented its place as a social media titan, especially when it comes to reaching the coveted Gen Z and Millennial audience (although, they’re not the only ones using the platform these days!) While the platform’s rapid growth continues into 2024, its advertising options are expanding alongside it. Many media buyers and businesses running ads on TikTok will go straight to and solely to video formats. However, one particularly valuable tool for marketers looking to maximise ad impact is the TikTok carousel ad. Let’s dive into why carousel ads are powerful, and how you can make them work best for your brand.

What are TikTok carousel ads?

Carousel ads on TikTok allow you to showcase a series of images within a single ad unit. Users swipe through these individual cards, giving you space to tell a richer story, highlight multiple products, or showcase features from various angles. If a single image can tell a thousand words, imagine what a carousel can do!

TikTok carousel ads

Why use carousel ads in 2024?

  • Enhanced engagement: Carousel ads provide more visual and interactive touch-points than a standard image or video ad. This increased interaction can drive higher engagement and longer attention spans.
  • Showcase products or features: Carousels are fantastic for product lines or highlighting several key benefits of a specific offering. This is especially useful for brands with diverse product ranges.
  • Tell a compelling story: Each slide in your carousel can be a chapter in a larger story. Use this format to guide the user on a mini-journey, building anticipation and interest.
  • Versatility: Carousel ads work well for various campaign goals. But, be wary, the format isn’t available for every objective. You can use carousel ads if driving traffic, conversions or sales.

Best practices for TikTok carousel ads in 2024

To get the most out of your carousel campaigns, keep these tips in mind:

  • Start with a hook: Your first image or video card needs to grab attention immediately. Use a bold visual, compelling question, or a surprising stat to keep users swiping.
  • Focus on cohesion: While each card has its own message, maintain a unified visual style through your carousel. Consistent branding and a clear connection between cards will elevate your ad.
  • Less is more with text: TikTok users are accustomed to fast-paced content. Keep your text overlays short and to the point, emphasising key benefits or calls to action.
  • Optimise for mobile: TikTok users are viewing your carousel ad on mobile devices. Ensure your images, videos, and text look great on smaller screens.
  • Leverage TikTok’s targeting: Define your ideal audience using TikTok’s targeting options, ensuring your carousels reach the people most likely to engage.

Case studies to inspire you

To see carousel ads in action, check out the TikTok Ads creative inspiration section for top ads across various industries. See how other brands successfully use carousels to achieve their goals.

The takeaway

TikTok carousel ads in 2024 are more than just a tool; they’re an opportunity to tell your brand’s story in a dynamic, attention-grabbing way. By embracing this format, keeping your creative fresh, and aligning with TikTok’s authentic style, you’ll be well-positioned for success.

Picture of Meghan Semple

Meghan Semple

I'm Digital 24's Performance Marketing Director. My bread and butter's in advertising on channels like Facebook and Google as well as others like TikTok, Pinterest and LinkedIn... However, I'm quite a data-driven person and love chatting all-things tracking, analytics and even some SEO!